Well, that’s February over – another month of blogging, photos, and winter, done and dusted. I can’t say I’m sorry to see the end of this one, as it’s been at various times challenging, unpleasant, and COLD. Here’s hoping that March brings better things… it’s when Spring officially begins, after all! And I’m definitely ready for it.
I’ve been sharing my photos on Instagram, Twitter, Flickr, and the FMS Photo A Day group on Facebook, but thought I’d also periodically do a round-up of my photos here on Alphabet Salad for the benefit of my readers who aren’t active on any of these platforms.
Hope you enjoy!
(Clicking on any of the photos below will take you to my Flickr account… and, depending on your browser, hovering over them will give you – in some cases – an explanation as to how I interpreted the prompt.)
(February 1-14, 2015 photos here)
Now, on to March!
Will you be doing a photo challenge in March?
Please share!