NaBloPoMo November 2012 Prompt
Friday, November 16, 2012:
Would you buy your dream house if the price was right BUT you also were told it was inhabited by ghosts?7
That depends.
What kind of ghosts are we talking about?
Are they the mournful, scary, destructive sort, the kind on which horror movies (cheesy or otherwise) are based? See, I am absolutely NOT prepared to live with any chain-rattling, spooky-howling, door-slamming tortured souls no matter HOW well-priced or dreamy the house might be, thank you very much (remember what I said about not being brave?!).
On the other hand, I would buy the house in a heartbeat if said ghosts were of the happy, harmless, and (most importantly) helpful ilk. I mean, imagine the possibilities! There is a certain appeal to the notion of cohabitation with a collection of invisible, cheery spirits who sneak around washing dishes, cleaning floors, and doing the laundry. I mean, not only would you have your house of dreams… you’d have an effortlessly tidy house of dreams, and all for the low, low price of sharing your space with a handful of friendly ghosts!
That would suit me just fine.
How about you? What would you do?