This was a rather crazy week, and it’s pretty much all been cat-related. Between vet visits and medical treatment for Felix and Oscar, socializing new kittens (yes, plural… more on that another day!), stocking up on pet food and supplies, and cleaning up various cat-generated messes, Peter and I have definitely had our hands full.
In between all the insanity I actually did find time to start (but not finish) tangling a new zendala, with a goal to incorporate several of the designs I’ve learned recently but not yet used. And I looked at The Diva’s Challenge for the week, but in spite of the fact that I was excited about working with both of the featured tangle patterns, I didn’t actually have the time to sit down and do so.
So I’m afraid this isn’t a “real” Tangled Tuesday post! Here’s hoping the coming week is a whole lot less wild so that I’ll have a chance to settle in and do some proper tangling.
In the meantime, here’s a photo of Mei-Mei snuggling up to Oscar, on whom she has a serious crush.
Aren’t they just darling?!
How is your week going?
Please share!