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NaPoWriMo + Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2015 – P is for…

Poetry from A to Z *
(* NaPoWriMo + Blogging from A to Z Challenge)

P is for… Procrastination
~ by Laurel Regan

(Pssst… new here? Welcome to Alphabet Salad! For background on how and why I got involved in both NaPoWriMo and the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, check out this post… and, if you’d like to catch up on my progress to date, my challenge posts are tagged with Poetry from A to Z. Glad you stopped by, and hope you’ll return!)

Blogging from A to Z April (2010) Challenge - P

what must it feel like
to be someone
faithfully tackles
life’s mundane tasks
making hay while the sun shines

instead of
postponing, ignoring
pushing yet another annoying burden
out of the way
onto a crowded back burner
easily distracted by shiny things
and the prospect of something
(anything, really)
more fun
more interesting
not absolutely required

i’d love to investigate
but right now i’m stuck inside
on a sunny spring weekend
last-minute, eleventh hour
in the company of
an assortment of income tax forms
and a bulging cardboard box
full to messy overflowing
potential deductions

if i ever find out
i’ll let you know

Are you participating in any April challenges?
Please share!

Blogging from A to Z April (2015) Challenge
NaPoWriMo 2015Ultimate Blog Challenge
NaBloPoMo April 2015

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.