As I was thinking ahead and musing about what might happen – what I want to happen – throughout my next decade of blogging, I thought I’d take some time to put it all into writing… partly to indulge myself, but mostly because I know doing so makes things happen. (It really does!)
So… what do I want to do? Where do I want my blogging life to go?
My Blogging Bucket List
Complete another 365-day marathon of daily blogging with NaBloPoMo. (Maybe this year? We shall see…)
Have at least one opportunity to do a REALLY amazing giveaway.
Earn enough money from blogging – either directly through my blog or indirectly through associated writing or other work – to pay for my annual blogging costs: blog hosting, plus attendance (ticket, travel, and accommodations) at the BlogHer conference.
Build up a database of my own photos to use with my blog posts.
Produce an e-book (not yet sure about which direction I’d like to go with it).
Get a part-time, work-from-home, blogging-related job (dream: BlogHer) to supplement my current part-time, work-from-home, non-blogging-related income.
May it be so…
What’s on your Blogging Bucket List?
Please share!