When it comes to my job (that is, the work that actually involves a salary) I am very, very organized. I have a Bring Forward file and a detailed task list in Outlook. I pay the bills on time and do my filing and backups every week. And I pride myself on speedily returning phone calls, replying to e-mail, and maintaining Inbox Zero.

When it comes to blogging (that is, the work that pays very little now but hopefully more some day) I am also very organized. I have an editorial calendar, a promotion checklist, and task reminders in my Filofax. I keep my plugins updated and my spam folder checked and cleared. And the contents of my blog are backed up automatically every week.
But when it comes to home (that is, the work that doesn’t pay at ALL) it’s like I’m a whole other person. I have a box of filing that’s been accumulating since we first moved into the house *ahem* more than three years ago, and actually paying the bills on time every month is pretty much hit or miss. Backups get done every couple of years or so (if I’m lucky). And the Inbox tray on the corner of my desk resembles something akin to a structurally-unsound ziggurat and its contents are constantly being knocked to the floor by one or other of the cats (and in fact, the stack just shifted OF ITS OWN ACCORD and a couple of items fell from the top as I wrote this post).
Split personality? Organizational burnout? Or perhaps my motivation is fueled largely by (real or hoped-for) financial compensation?
Who knows?
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Are you organized at work AND at home?
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