Learning to play the piano began for me at around age five, and I was fortunate enough to be able to carry on with formal lessons until my last year of high school. My teachers mostly focused on materials from The Royal Conservatory of Music to help me prepare for exams, and though in some ways I wish my training had branched out a little to include other genres of music as well, my experience has given me a lifelong love of and appreciation for classical music.
One of my absolute favourite pieces is Beethoven’s Symphony No. 6. I wish I could describe with any sort of meaning or accuracy the way listening to this music makes me feel, but all I can do is grasp at a collection of words – triumphant, soaring, transcendent, powerful – then give up and let the music speak for itself.
What do you think?
I say it’s forty-five minutes and forty-two seconds of pure, unadulterated bliss.
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What’s your favourite piece of classical music?
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