Last January I followed along with a crowd of people who had decided to claim their very own inspirational word for the year – something meaningful and motivating that would provide intentional focus and direction as they made their way through each day. (You can read more about my word choice for 2014 here, if you wish.)
So now that the end of 2014 is fast approaching, I’ve been musing on the word I chose in January, and also giving some thought as to what my word for 2015 should be. I’ve been tossing a couple of ideas around in my head, but haven’t completely decided on my final choice. I’ll keep you posted when I do!
Do you like the idea of claiming a word for yourself for the year?
Will you be choosing one for 2015?
In terms of happiness (can you believe I have less than a week’s worth of posts left in this series?! I sure can’t!), I had a couple of “hits” today. The first was receiving an e-mail notification that a certain special and EVER-so-exciting Christmas gift had been shipped. There had been some doubt as to whether the (western-based) company would ship something of that size to my Ontario location, so when I received the confirmation I was beyond thrilled. I’m not going to spill what it is just yet, but trust me when I say that it’s going to be a delightful addition to our home and lives… and I can guarantee that I’ll be writing about it after it arrives. Watch this space!
The other happiness hit came when I checked the mail and found the beautiful art print I’d ordered from my friend Barbara Storey. (My photo doesn’t do justice to the gorgeous colours, but you can get a better idea if you visit her product page.)
It’s even nicer than I’d imagined it would be, and I love it. My goal is to fill our home with art by our friends, and this print will be a fabulous addition to the fledgling collection!
→ What is #MicroblogMondays?
→ #MicroblogMondays 16 linkup here!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
What made you happy today?
Please share!