I have been doing an awful lot of tangling lately, mostly in the late evenings right before I go to bed. I work at my desk, hunched over my paper, and often find that a good couple of hours have passed before I even realize it! Not a bad thing… except for the fact that I often end up with a rather stiff neck the next day.
After another marathon tangling session last night, my neck was feeling especially kinked today – which most definitely did NOT make me happy. But the rediscovery of my heat-in-the-microwave therapeutic grain bag brought a smile of relief to my face. Its comforting warmth on my neck was such a simple thing, but it made me feel so much better.
I think I need to figure out a different setup for making art, because working at my desk is getting to be just too uncomfortable. You know, what I really need is to win a small lottery so we can refinish our basement, complete with an art studio furnished with plenty of storage, a comfortable chair, and a drafting desk (oh, and a door that closes so the cats can’t ruin my stuff).Or maybe a tiny house for the back yard, similarly furnished… wouldn’t that be nice?!
Guess I’d better start buying lottery tickets. But in the meantime, I’ll continue being grateful for small comforts… because stopping with the art? Not gonna happen. 🙂
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