Today’s happiness is brought to you by an afternoon date with myself: a leisurely walk through newly-streetscaped Old Walkerville (a nice way to take advantage of the good weather while it lasts!), followed by some time with my current read while sipping a delicious Caffè Americano at Salute Espresso Bar.
I am a very social person, and enjoying a coffee and chat with a friend is one of my favourite ways to spend a couple of hours… but treating myself to some time out on my own satisfies something on a different level.
Have I mentioned that having Mondays off makes me really, really happy? Because it really, really does! 🙂
→ What is #MicroblogMondays?
→ #MicroblogMondays 11 linkup here!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
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