Today’s happiness is brought to you by my tangling supplies, specifically a brand new pad of Strathmore 6″ x 6″ Artist Tiles which I picked up last week and am finding incredibly inspirational. They’re so nice to work with – a little bigger than the standard 3.5″ x 3.5″ official Zentangle®1 tiles, but small enough that the thought of filling them doesn’t feel too daunting.
Believe it or not, I stayed up until 4:30 a.m. last night (or should I say this morning?) working on my latest piece, which is weird and wonderful and I hope to be able to finish up today and share it with you in tomorrow’s Tangled Tuesday post.
Now, in other news…
My extremely overtired brain is still overwhelmed with processing this morning’s HUGE announcements that a) BlogHer and SheKnows Media have merged and b) BlogHer ’15 will be held in New York City. So many thoughts, feelings, and questions are racing through my mind: tremendous happiness for the BlogHer founders and their success… pondering what this merger/acquisition will mean in terms of current BlogHer staff and the familiar faces I’ve grown to know and love… wondering how BlogHer members, both in general and in the Publishing Network, will be affected, good and bad… hopeful as to the possibility of new blogging opportunities coming my way… calculating whether I’ll be able to afford to attend this year’s conference… counting the days, weeks, and months until the conference date and wondering if I can meet a certain weight loss goal by that time…
My brain hurts.
I think an afternoon nap is in order. Good thing Monday is my day off.
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What made you happy today?
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1The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at