Some random truths I’ve gathered throughout my years of blogging, some seemingly contradictory yet all accurate nonetheless, about life in the blogosphere:
- The very time you have the time to actually write a really decent post turns out to be the very time no one seems to have the time to read your blog.
- Self-promotion is HARD. It feels phony and contrived and you always wonder how much you’re irritating your friends and family.
- Your biggest sources of support often come from the most unexpected places and people.
- People you thought would become avid readers turn out to be not particularly interested or engaged.
- Every real (i.e., non-spammy) comment received is like a small, perfectly-wrapped gift.
- Weekends are a black hole. Save your best/favourite posts for early in the week.
- The posts you felt you threw together often garner a bigger or better response than something into which you poured your heart and soul.
- Obsessively refreshing your statcounter or repeatedly checking for new subscribers will NOT, surprisingly, bring visitors to your blog.
- There will always be someone doing it better than you.
- There will always be someone doing it worse than you.
- Your voice is your own. Comparison with others is more often dangerous than helpful.
- Do it first and foremost for your own satisfaction. Everything else is gravy.
What can you add to my list of observations about life in the blogosphere?