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Inspiration, achievement, and possibilities, Oh My!

Today has been a somewhat strange and rather exciting day in the life of this trying-to-emerge writer/blogger, a random day of inspiration, an unexpected achievement (of a sort), and some exciting possibilities.

Lazy weekend mornings are the best. Before I got up this morning, as I waited for my sleepiness to clear, I started thinking about my weekly column, and was suddenly hit with a couple of ideas that I should be able to explore over the next while. I just submitted this week’s column yesterday, and already want to start working on the next one NOW! I love it when inspiration strikes and the wheels start turning.

After I’d woken up, had a shower, and checked my e-mail, I browsed to Feedburner to check out my blog’s stats. To my utter shock and amazement, I discovered that my subscribers had more than tripled overnight! I don’t know quite how that happened, and it may well be a Feedburner hiccup of some sort or other… but let me tell you, seeing that number was rather awe-inspiring, because assuming it wasn’t a hiccup, it represents real people who might actually want to read what I have to say.


Then later my husband and I went out for breakfast to our favourite diner and started the ball rolling on some other exciting possibilities. I can’t go into detail about those just yet, because it’s still very early in the game, but stay tuned… fun things are coming!

It’s been a really great day.

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.