A couple of weeks ago I posted some of my thoughts on and experiences with health care in Canada. Since then, the debates on health care reform in the U.S. have raged on, and on, and on, and watching coverage of countless “town hells” filled with shouting “hatriots” spewing ugliness, seemingly blindly in favour of the mighty insurance corporations retaining control over their health care decisions, leaves one feeling rather bleak about the whole situation and its possible outcomes for friends south of our border.
And the lies about Canadian health care continue, are fed, and grow.
I can do nothing about the situation in the U.S., of course… I have no vote and no voice in that country… but I can and I will continue talking about my own personal experiences with health care in Canada. Even if I end up being nothing more than a voice in the wilderness, at least I will have spoken… and perhaps if enough “Real Canadians” were to speak out, as I am doing, the truth would get through and be heard.
If you don’t believe me when I tell you that we have an amazing setup in Canada… or if you do, but want reinforcement from others… I strongly encourage you to watch Real Canadians Talking Real Health Care (and then forward the link to others). The video, just under ten minutes long, features a series of interviews with average, everyday Canadians of varying ages talking about their own experiences with Canadian health care, and is well worth taking the time to watch. The individuals in the video were all from Ontario and Quebec, but I can guarantee that a similar series of interviews could easily have been filmed in my own (or, I suspect, any other) province.
Watch and learn. Canadians have this one right.
UPDATE: New post – “A personal example of Canadian health care”