Though I’m not really a green thumb, for many years I’ve wanted to have a small container herb garden. Unfortunately (or should I say unsurprisingly), one thing didn’t lead to another and I never actually got around to planning or growing one.
Since we moved into this house, my husband has been planning what he wants to do with the back yard, part of which includes building containers and planting a small vegetable garden. Every time he talks about his garden, he also (gently) hounds me to give some thought – or, more appropriately, some action – to what I want to do about my herb garden (the “finally” remains unspoken because he is a kind man).
Even though it’s the middle of winter and my thoughts are far away from playing outside in the dirt with growing things, I know he’s right.
I need a plan.
I’m not really sure what I want for this first year, but I do know that I want to start small. Thing is, I’m completely new to gardening, and also (confession time) incredibly lazy when it comes to physical labour (yes, even for something as seemingly simple as maintaining a small container garden).
So, thinking and planning, scheming and dreaming. Maybe some chives – I know we’d use those in our cooking. Rosemary is lovely – in fact, I do believe our back yard came pre-installed with a rosemary plant! – as is lavender and dill and mint and… yikes! Not only do I not know where to begin, I also don’t know where to end!
Do you have a vegetable or herb garden? Please give me some input to help me get started!