I‘ve been going through a real reading slump lately. Well, to be truthful I actually did manage to finish a book yesterday (one that I’d had on the go for around a year, believe it or not), but that was the first I’d finished since early September. Sad but true!
Honestly, I blame Twitter. (No, really. Bets that if you’re active on Twitter yourself you’ll understand exactly what I’m talking about!)
But today I may have received a solution, a reprieve from the literary doldrums! Just in time for a quiet and (most likely) rainy weekend, two books I ordered arrived in my mailbox and are sitting on my desk enticing me to lose myself in their pages.
The first is Bright-Sided by Barbara Ehrenreich. The concept of the book (how the relentless promotion of positive thinking has undermined America) intrigued me as soon as I heard about it, and after reading Nickel and Dimed – On (Not) Getting By in America several years ago (a very eye-opening book) I’m looking forward to more by the same author.
The second is one I knew I had to have the moment I heard about it some time last spring: Patience with God by Frank Schaeffer (faith for people who don’t like religion {or atheism}). Time will tell as to the content and how it speaks to me, but at this point I can say that any synopsis I’ve read so far indicates that this book hits pretty well exactly where I’m at these days.
So, reading slump begone! Now my only dilemma is deciding which to tackle first…