Those who know me well know that above all other times of the year, I love fall.
Everything about the season makes me content and happy… it’s a time when I feel as though who I really am is at its best, like coming home. I love that the days are slightly cooler and crisper but the sun is still shining. I love wearing cosy sweaters, thick tights, colourful scarves. I love the crunch of leaves underfoot and the slight smell of bonfire smoke in the air.
In some ways, September to me is more the start of a new year than is January. I’ve been in the workforce for many years now; nevertheless, as fall approaches I start to get that excited, anticipatory “back to school” feeling that motivates me to want to get organized, get involved, do something. Just as soon as they hit the shelves, I purchase a new organizer and get wrapped up in planning my year, thinking about how I’d like to spend my time over the next months. The possibilities seem endless as September approaches.
This year, rather than trying something new, I find myself drawn towards revisiting some of the things I’ve enjoyed in the past, but for whatever reason have dropped or let slide in the lazy months of summer (or longer, in some cases). Learning French (I took the first two beginner courses through Alliance française de Victoria last spring)… BookCrossing… crocheting… needle felting… I have the resources to pick up on any of these diversions with little (or no) investment in money, just time and energy.
In the fall, it all seems attainable! Let’s see what this one brings.