Today’s post is all about some of the things that make me happy, thanks to my lovely friend Vidya Sury who tagged me in the “Eight Photos of Happiness” bloghop (thank you, Vidya!). Do check out her “Happiness is Homemade” post full of sweet and heartwarming photos (and be sure not to miss the last one, which showcases a truly once-in-a-lifetime experience!).
And oh! Turns out that another blogging friend had previously tagged me in this bloghop and I totally missed it. 🙁 I am so sorry, dear Debbie Doglady, for my negligence… and friends, please do check out Debbie’s post as well – she has a great selection of fun photos!
Now here are my own eight photos of happiness.
Rules and explanation of this tag:
- Thank your nominator(s) and link them in your post.
- Link the creator of the tag (Ariel’s little corner of the internet).
- Post your eight photos of happiness (the photos can be anything that represents a moment, object, place, or feeling that makes you happy).
- Pop in a brief description of the photo and why you chose it, or let the photos do the talking!
- Spread the happiness and tag up to ten other bloggers!
Would you like to take part in this fun little bloghop? Please consider yourself tagged, and do let me know when you’ve posted your photos!
Which of your own photos make you happy?
Please share!