I‘ve only just got started… in fact, I really haven’t said very much at all… but already I feel a real sense of freedom being here, writing for an unknown audience (which may well consist of no one!). There’s a big difference between writing with the knowledge that anyone can read what I have to say, and keeping myself locked up in a “Friends Only” journal writing for people who already know (or at least think they know) me. You’d think I’d feel more hampered, knowing that total strangers could stumble upon my blog… that I’d feel safer with my old ways, surrounded by people who have been a part of my life for years. But, no. Here I’m not limited by the nagging feeling that I need to be polite, or couch what I have to say in inoffensive terms, because I don’t want to hurt or upset the people I care about. Here I don’t feel as though I have to perform, to be what I think people expect me to be. Here I have no idea who is (or isn’t) reading me, so it’s of no concern to me how they feel about what I have to say. Here I don’t have to worry that someone is going to flounce off in a passive-aggressive, silent “unfriending” huff, leaving me to wonder what I said or did to drive them away… if someone flounces off here, I’ll never know it, and I’ll never care.
So, though I’m only getting started, and I’ve no idea where this will take me, I’m must say that I’m glad to be here.