The vast majority of the hours in most of my days are spent connected to one electronic device or another.
I wake up in the morning and turn off the sleep stopwatch on my fitbit, then reach for my iPad to retrieve my e-mail, scroll through my Facebook feed, and see what’s happened in the world since I last checked in.
I get up, make myself presentable, then boot up my laptop while getting coffee and breakfast (which I eat in front of my computer). I sync my fitbit, plug in my iPod Touch and iPad in preparation for syncing, and check to see if my mobile phone, Kindle, or camera need to be charged.
From Tuesday to Friday I also fire up my work laptop and connect to my remote office so I can retrieve and work on files and so that my co-workers in Victoria can reach me by e-mail, Skype, and messenger. This computer is set to PST (i.e., three hours behind my physical location) so I can see “office time” at a glance without having to do the calculation in my mind (because I prefer to avoid math if at all possible!).
If I go out in the evening I’ll take my fitbit to track my steps, my mobile phone to stay in contact, and my iPod touch (with WiFi) just in case I need some piece of information or want to check my mail when I can connect wirelessly. Depending on where I’m going (and how big the bag I’m carrying) I may also take my iPad, which has both WiFi and 3G connectivity.
If I stay at home for the evening, if I’m not using my laptop I will always have my iPad close at hand.
Before bed I’ll usually surf the internet for an hour or so on my iPad and then, when my eyes start to close, will set up my fitbit sleep timer and disconnect my brain for the night.
Yes, I’d say I’m connected.