Today’s NaBloPoMo prompt asks, “If you had a personal assistant who would do your most dreaded tasks, which items from your to-do list would you assign out?”
Well, since it would be impossible to delegate the work of eating properly and exercising regularly… and since none of the tasks at my paid job are actually dreadful… and since I enjoy most of the stuff on my blogging and creative arts to-do lists… I guess that leaves house and yard work. Cleaning. Gardening. Physical labour. BLERGH.
Yes, that’s what I’d delegate without hesitation.
Cleaning. ALWAYS cleaning.
So I suppose I really don’t need a personal assistant so much as I need a maid or six. And a gardener. And a whole bunch of money to pay my wonderful and dedicated staff very, VERY well.

What do you think?
Which tasks would you delegate to a personal assistant?
Please share!