Today was my first day back at work after my short vacation and BlogHer ’12 adventures, and even though I was only off for a week and away from home for a few days, was it ever hard to get back into the regular swing of things! I kept waiting for someone to introduce themselves and hand me a business card (which is a strange experience when you work from home by yourself!), and was momentarily taken aback when my bed didn’t make itself, I had to use yesterday’s towel, and lunch wasn’t presented and cleaned up by nicely-dressed servers.
I could get used to conference/hotel life!
I’d counted on having the whole day yesterday to get myself organized before returning to work, but thanks to my foiled travel schedule I’ve barely unpacked, haven’t sorted through my vast array of free goodies from the conference sponsors, and still need to go through my stack of business cards and contact the people I met this weekend. Meanwhile work is busy and backed up, social events continue to be scheduled, and life carries on.
So much to do, and so little time!
I did have a great night’s sleep last night, but still don’t feel as though I’ve fully caught up on the deficit… so this is just a quick post to say hi before I tackle some post-vacation fallout and then make it an early night.
Hope you’re well!