Inspired by NaBloPoMo writing prompt for Friday, March 7, 2014:
What have you learned about yourself through blogging?
Blogging has taught me…
…that I have my own unique writing style, strengths, weaknesses, and voice.
…that I am a creative person.
…that I enjoy – even thrive on – creativity challenges that provide me with the opportunity to commit, to stretch, to develop.
…that it’s incredibly important to proceed with caution when comparing myself with other creatives – because envy and discouragement are always lurking just under the surface, ready and waiting.
…that while the gift of a flash of inspiration is certainly a magical thing and not to be ignored, I don’t need to – and in fact, shouldn’t – wait for it in order to start writing.
…that it’s entirely possible to produce a good and satisfying piece of work even when I feel as though I’ve got nothing to say.
How about you?
What have you learned about yourself through blogging?
Please share!