I’m tangling from A to Z – T is for…
(Pssst… new here? Welcome to Alphabet Salad! For some background on how and why I got involved in the Blogging from A to Z Challenge, check out this post… and, if you’d like to catch up on my progress to date, all of my challenge posts are tagged with Tangling from A to Z. Glad you stopped by, and hope you’ll return!)
Tangle Practice
All three of today’s tangles were fun, but none of them needed any shading, and I realized once I’d finished the tile that I really missed that part of the process!
In other news… any long-time Alphabet Salad readers happen to remember when I shared My Bucket List a little while back? Well, this whole Tangling from A to Z thing has inspired me to set the wheels in motion for number 5 on that list: Become a Certified Zentangle Teacher™ (CZT™). If you’re interested in reading more about my decision to move forward on this dream, how I’m planning to make it happen, and how YOU could get your hands on your very own piece of original tangled art by yours truly, click here for the scoop!

Tangle Practice – Telis

Tangle Practice – Tootle

Tangle Practice – Tracery
Border & String
Just to carry on with the whole A to Z theme, I thought I’d make each day’s “string” resemble the appropriate letter for the day. I can’t always promise that the finished tiles will look anything like the letters – it all depends on which tangles I’m using and how the drawing evolves. We’ll just have to see what happens!
Finished Zentangle®1 Tile
Are you participating in the A-Z Challenge?
Please share!
1 The Zentangle® Method was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas and is copyrighted. Zentangle® is a registered trademark of Zentangle, Inc. Learn more at zentangle.com.