I, along with a couple of hundred other aspiring bloggers, was given the opportunity to get a taste – just a tiny one, only eight days long and one post wide – of what it’s like to be a big-time blogger with a large, contributing readership.
I must say, it’s been exhilarating!
Thanks to the amazing efforts of Blogelina, who dreamed up and hosted The Week-Long 100 Comments On My Blog Event, I’ve already, after just one day, received 88 comments on my event post (10 Ways to Live a Meaningful Life) – which is most definitely a record for this insignificant blogger-among-many!
The very best part is that these 88 (and counting) comments aren’t throwaway, spammy-type comments, posted simply to fulfill an obligation for participation in the event. Not even a little bit! Take some time to sit down with a cup of tea or coffee and read through this collection of wisdom, thoughtfulness, inspiration, and general awesomeness – there’s something there for everyone!
If you would like to take your blogging to the next level, and haven’t already discovered Blogelina, I strongly encourage you to check out her site. She offers endless tips and suggestions, practical advice, and resources to help you become a better blogger – and, something I really appreciate, works hard to help build community among aspiring bloggers.
As for me… well, I’m off to comment on some more blogs.
Thank you, Blogelina!