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A Snarky Poem

I am still exploring my old online journal, and in the process of delving into the past I came across a poem I wrote a few years back. From the tone of the writing, I think living and working downtown was starting to get to me! Though it expressed what I remember to be very real irritation at the time, looking back years later I find it somewhat amusing in its snarkiness – and after all, the NaBloPoMo theme for the month of April is “Poem” – so I thought I’d share it here.

But don’t get me wrong – this poem in no way reflects my mood or space today! I’m feeling great (albeit rather tired – three cups of Earl Grey tea before bed doesn’t make for a good night’s sleep!) after a really fun evening out last night with hubs and a friend.

Consider this poem an historical piece. 🙂


No, as a matter of fact
In spite of your fresh faces and polite energy
I actually DON’T have a few minutes for
Amnesty International
the SPCA
…though I’m sure they’re all
very worthy causes

No, as a matter of fact
In spite of your blatantly obvious need
I actually DON’T have any spare change for
a cup of coffee
bus fare to a job interview
…though I’m sure that’s exactly
how it would be spent

No, as a matter of fact
Despite your manufactured enthusiasm
I actually DON’T want a perfume sample
Six shrimp on my teriyaki chicken stir-fry
a piece of kitsch for only 99¢ with purchase
…though I’m sure each of these things
would somehow improve my life

No, as a matter of fact…

November 20th, 2006

Laurel Storey, CZT – Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.