After completing only eleven days of the 30 Days of Creativity challenge, I already have quite the collection of red wax mini sculptures building up on my bookshelf, and I have no idea what to do with them all when June (and the challenge) comes to an end! It seems a shame, somehow, to toss or destroy them – I’ve become rather attached to my little creations! – but what on earth else is one to do with a pile of dust-collecting wax shapes?
Any ideas?!
In the meantime, carrying on with the prompts…
June 11, 2012 prompt:
ORANGE – The sun, a tabby cat, or your morning juice, you can’t have a bad day when you’re surrounded by orange.
(If you want to see this in all its imperfect waxy goodness, clicking on the photo will take you to the larger version on Flickr.)
In case you missed it, this is what I’m doing throughout the month of June, and why. I’ll be posting all of my projects to my 30 Days of Creativity 2012 board on Pinterest.
This one’s for you, Becky Cochrane! 😉