Today’s happiness is once again brought to you by a treat that showed up in the mailbox, only this time it’s a lovely – and very intriguing! – book: No Excuses Art Journaling: Making Time for Creativity by Gina Rossi Armfield. It’s been on my wish list for awhile, and after cashing in my accumulated Swagbucks for some Amazon gift cards I was able to buy a copy for myself. Scratch that – I was able to get it for FREE! I do love Swagbucks.
Even after just a quick flip through the book I can already tell that I’m going to love it, and that it’s going to expand my creativity in a whole lot of new ways. I’m playing around with some artsy-craftsy ideas for the new year, and I’m sure this book will figure into them. Watch this space, as I’m willing to bet that at least some of the results will end up in Alphabet Salad!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
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