100 Happy Days – Day 36
by Laurel Storey
on October 18, 2014
I almost can’t believe that this moment has actually arrived… the long-anticipated moment when I announce that I have now finished tangling the letter Z, and so today’s happiness is brought to you by a COMPLETED tangled alphabet!

100 Happy Days – Day 36
More to come on the next Tangled Tuesday post!
→ The 100 Happy Days web site
→ My 100 Happy Days posts
What made you happy today?
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100 Happy Days,
NaBloPoMo 2014,
Tangled Tuesday,
Laurel Storey, CZT –
Certified Zentangle Teacher. Writer, reader, tangler, iPhoneographer, cat herder, learner of French and Italian, crocheter, needle felter, on-and-off politics junkie, 80s music trivia freak, ongoing work in progress.