Today’s happiness is brought to you by some pretty purple flowers which are growing along our back fence. They could well be weeds or otherwise undesirable foliage (and, knowing the sorry, shameful state of our yard, it’s highly probable), but their cheerful colour catches my eye whenever I look out my office window. Undesirables or not, they make me happy to see them!
Incidentally, when I went outside to take the photo I noticed another plant (or more likely weed – see previous comment!) which is growing prolifically and appears to be taking over our driveway with its masses of tiny, bright red fruit. I picked one, and it looks for all the world like a miniature cherry tomato. No, I didn’t taste it – I’m no green thumb, but I’m not silly enough to eat unknown fruit! – and no, we didn’t intentionally plant anything back there… but you can see the seeds through the skin, and it really does resemble a tomato. Smells rather like one, too, when you break it open – but I’ve never seen tomatoes quite that small before.
It’s a mystery! Always an adventure in our jungle back yard… we really need to get organized and clean up the clutter. Maybe next Spring… but in the meantime, pretty purple flowers!
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